Promoting Health & Nutrition among students Of Rural schools in Assam

Kitchen Garden Program in collaboration with WWF-AAPSO

The health of a child is the true wealth of the nation. The Government of India has initiated several large-scale supplementary feeding programs in the last decades; still, one in three of the world’s malnourished children live in India, which speaks volumes of the sorry state of the nutritional status of the supposed future of the nation.

It has been observed during our field work that the students in rural schools of Assam possess enormous knowledge of local species and organic farming as heredity but their skills has not been properly channelized to practice. The modern formal education had made them devoid of learning the basic life skills of growing their own food in a sustainable and environmentally sound manner. The students today are the future tomorrow. Hence capacity building in them regarding growing food sustainably demands utmost importance.

The solution of these issues are not addressed yet due to lack of nutritional awareness among the students, lack of practical exposure to grow their own food and lack of know-how to utilize “organic waste” as an important resource for enriching our food via the soil . This project aimed at addressing the same.

Functionality survey of ONGC constructed toilets under Swachh Vidyalaya Abhiyan

When schools have clean toilets, access to clean water, and hand washing facilities, it not only prevents transmission of communicable diseases but also contributes to more children attending school and learning.


As part of Swachh Vidyalaya Abhiyaan, ONGC constructed 7,958 toilets in 5,451 schools across 10 states. ONGC Foundation allotted the task of surveying the functionality of the toilets constructed by them to Earthful Foundation in 25 schools of Golaghat District, Assam.